06 February 2013


Money Matters
Due to our busy week, it's been a bit quieter over here (blogging).  Matt and I have been taking a financial course (running Monday-Thursday evenings) which adds that little bit more to our plate.  So far, I've been challenged to approach God's blessings in my life very differently:
what God creates, He gives birth to and sustains
Simple.  So true.  Yet, mind blowing.  I'm sure after I have the chance to chew on this stuff, my thoughts will be spoken.

House Plans
A few weeks back, we had put an offer on what we thought was the 'perfect' house for us.  Well, it apparently wasn't as the competing offer won and sold to the right buyers!  A good thing with the process: we were able to move our moving date until April 1st.  A wee less stressful(!).  It's been a blessing having my brother as our realtor...makes it that much more memorable.  Though it's fun to look at houses and dream, I am very much looking forward to calling one of them home soon.  

Yesterday, I pulled this volume out to read again.  Ahhhh...again, so refreshing.

Power of the Tongue
In my Tuesday morning Bible study, this past week we were studying the power of the tongue.  How incredible is it that we can build and destroy with a small muscle [tongue] and mere letters formed together [words]?!  A simple joke, a sweet, thoughtful comment, a tid-bit of gossip, an encouraging text...the power these hold have struck me again to be mindful and purposeful about what/how I say things.

Love of Music
With Judah crawling over the place these days(!), I've not only had to clean up more and vacuum, I've had to hide the guitars!  Currently, they rest on floor stands (in the new house going to change to these).  The minute I don't have him in sight, *guaranteed* I walk over to the guitars and lo and behold, there is my son.  If he had the chance, I'm sure he would pound on the piano if he was tall enough (*note: he pounds on the piano when we bring him up to it).  A noisy love he has, but I am so excited he is drawn to music!  another note: I hope we can get this little music maker for him someday!  In red, naturally.

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...

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