09 May 2013

colorboard / no.12

color: cream & soft corals with a hint of gold
word of inspiration: clement [mild or temperate; pleasant. syn: gracious]
source of word: Courage is grace under pressure.  ~ Ernest Hemingway

1. clutch, for any summer occasion /2. love this lady's mixed media ... especially her detailed maps /3. watercolor inspired by Song of Solomon 5:13 /4. this fabric would make a nice tablecloth /5. i could wear this bling /6. cuuuuute skirt! /7. my mother-in-law makes these in our christmas stockings ... i may have to put in a request for these colors /8. how adorable for a lil lass?!

1 comment:

Allison Jane said...

That skirt is sooo cute! I could also handle those paintings in my house! I really like this colour board! :)


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