21 September 2010

blitz trips

Had some prime moments these past few days ... from one end of the USA to the next.  5 days later, 5 states covered, 3 time zones travelled in, and 8 flights in total, I had quite the experience!  

Blitz Trip #1
Went on a two-night excursion to Santa Ana, New Mexico with my mom, aunt, & sister.  There, we golfed a 'bit', took in some rays, ate, ate, and ate, did many-a-puzzles (our family loves crosswords/sudokus/you name it!), s'mored-it-up under the stars ... just enjoyed our surroundings.

Hyatt Tamaya brand

Sisters ....

... Sisters!

gotta love that sky!

As for blitz trip #2 ... pictures coming!

pic pix: all shots taken awhile our stay at the Tamaya Hyatt, 18.Sept.2010

15 September 2010


As I'm going through some big changes right now (never have I not had a job working crazy hours, I now am working on creating an actual Sarah-schedule ... ), there are alot of "peel-backs" I am experiencing.

Like any time of a deepened evaluation and inventory of 'life', I'm dealin with taking some and losing some.  No, not all inconsistency is bad, but nor is all mellowness good.  I almost feel like I am cleaning out my fridge ... only wanting to keep the freshest of items and ones I will actually use to create something.  Others could probably relate more to 'purging' (for some reason, I don't have as much fun throwing away as I do for re-using items for alternative purposes!), maybe even a cleansing ... I see it all the same ... we're all given continuous opportunities to start afresh, clear our palette, blank our slates.

Yet, much like this wall painted over many times, through many years, with many more stories that I could not even begin to compare to my own to, there is always a tinge of color left behind.  A reminder of a lesson, a cherished smile, tears that were never seen, joy that still beams.  Change can be good ... colorful really.

pic pix: a 'composed' story on a building wall in Inglewood, Calgary, AB 

08 September 2010

some sites seen in sfo

Here's a little "taste" of our fast-blast down to San Francisco last Saturday ...
...M'love ... ready to eat that seafood he loves...

...top of Lombard Street ... sfo's crookedest street...
...the bridge was so foggy ... you could not see the top from shore...

pic pix: details of the loveliest of foggy days, SFO, CA 04.Sept.2010


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