07 April 2014

colorboard / no.27

color: apple green, charcoal grey, pale blue(s)
word of inspiration: fresh start - taking something old and making it new by changing perspective [my interpretation].
source of word: "Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?" 
~ L.M. Montgomery

/1.  i'd like one of these mixers, prob copper though(!)  /2. i have a linen one, but this silk carrier would be divine  /3. love this color combo, exactly these crates in a cute photo shoot  /4. so cute for a little lady...wish it came in my size  /5. retro chairs for days  /6. love this room  /7. not sure when i would wear these, but that kate spade bow...  /8. i feel like i need all 26 letters for no specific reason  /9. cute coat rack  /10. hand embossed dresser? yes!  /11. that is some fine art alright


Diwakar said...

Hello Sarah Nadine. So good to know you thorugh your profile and also I was glad to stop by your blog "The Object of Today". Good to know you as a christian. I just would like to share with you about the project our church in Mumbai, India has where by we encourage youung people as well as adults from the West to come to Mumbai on a short / long term missions trip to work with us in the slums of Mumbai amongst poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 34yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We would love to have young people as well as adults come from your church on a short / long term missions trip to work with us during their summer/ Christmas vacation. My son lives in Calgary with his wife and God willing I am coming to visit them in the May 2014 and will be so glad to visit you and meet your Pastor too to see the possibility of having your young people as well as adults to come to Mumbai on a short / long term missions trp. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking foward to hear from you very soon.

MsCandaceCatherine said...

It's also nice to think that tomorrow it's supposed to be 19! Now that's a fresh start :)


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