03 January 2013

goals and things.

With both Matt and I sick with a stomach bug, things have been pretty quiet over here the last few days.  Minus the Hatfield & McCoy marathon we had playing on the computer, there's been no work, no phones, no outside communication or noise.  It's been kind of nice ... except for the part of being sick :(  Now that the worst has passed, I'm feeling ready to move forward with this new year.

Every year, around this time when it comes to making resolutions, I've stayed clear and away.  For me, it always seems that within a few months (or weeks) life/circumstance/things are different and I don't see the goal through.  Maybe you are the type of person that can see the next 365 days and all of your goals on paper ... I've just come to learn that I'm not that type of person.  Which is what made me 'resolve' to this method last year - breaking my goals into bite size pieces.  Some big picture goals (life goals) and short term goals (yearly, 4 month goals).  

Big picture goals.
When I get to the end of my life (it be in 60 years or 20), I want to be able to look back on my life and say that I was healthy.  Healthy spiritually, mentally, relationally, and physically.  

. physically - I want to eat wholly, live an active lifestyle, have daily motion to stimulate my body.
. mentally - Like my Gramma, I want to be sharp and witty at such a beautiful and mature age (brain
  puzzles and reading are her tricks!) constanly challenging my mind with new things, keeping a
  positive attitude, and learning.
. relationally - People make up such a big part of my life, I need to be on healthy standings with them.  
  I will strive to have the relationships in my life void of confusion and second-guessing and full of love
  and encouragement.
. spiritually - I believe that my faith in God get can only more awesome and deeper the farther I dig
  and reach to learn about Him - which is exactly what I intend to do!

Short term goals.
January, May, and September seem like natural breaks/starts in the year for me.  I guess, kind of like semesters.  January, I am ready for the rejuvenating start to kick-off the new year.  May, I'm already getting into the summer mode with summer plans and sunny-day impulses.  September, the fresh feel of fall and school starting inspires.  At the start of each of those months I create a to-do board for each of these areas (with some examples in parentheses):

. spiritual (Bible study, what books of the Bible I want to read, how can my heart change for the
  better, etc)
. financial (birthdays, big bill payments, savings goals)
. creative (projects, blogging, music goals, special gifts, etc)
. home (organizing, updating, gardening...)
. learning (classes, books to read, new recipes)
. giving (how I plan to give/share/host/love-on people)
. physical (work-out/stretching routine - I always like to change it up!)
. travel (if we go, where we go, why we go)
. self improvement (how can I be a better wife/mama/friend, what can I do to keep my attitude
  encouraging, evaluating priorities, working on personal weaknesses, etc)

As with any goal(s), some of these are destined to change and morph into exactly what they should've been in the first place (like, their actual realities) and some I won't even get to.  These goals may stick, or be a one time thing.  But by approaching them this way, I feel like I am able to tackle what I intend to do, still be able to dream within reason,  AND see things being checked off of a list ... who doesn't like to see their list all checked off?!

How do some of you venture to accomplish your goals/new years resolutions/big life game plans?

pic pix: my agendas, Jan.2013, at home

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