12 February 2010

up close

The closer you near a subject, there is more that is revealed.  Sometimes pain, as a wound that could be freshly exposed, tender, or premature.  But usually deep revelation exclaims beauty.  For that which is uncovered from shed-able surfaces is truth ... organic and raw.

Must be why so many of us like things like natural foods, true friends, and divine nature.  We crave this reality that allows us to get to the core, past all the masks and facades.  Our desire is authenticity.

Teach me you way, O LORD
 ... and I will walk in your truth.
Give me an undivided heart
 ... that I may fear Your name
[psalm 86:11]

pic pix: one little flowered bud, Kananaskis, AB Jun.09

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yes this is what i most desire. the raw truth. naked in its beauty.


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