to {inspire}: fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative; breathe or blow into [impart a truth or idea to someone].
When I compared the "state" of my inspiration before to now, I realized I couldn't find an excuse as to why I was not receiving inspiration with my surroundings, gratitudes, and love. Sure, I will face times where I will be in a slump and not as riveting, but right now, things are fun, fresh, exciting and new. So, why is it that I cannot find that urge or ability to do or feel something creative? It's my 'fuel', is what ... HOW I am fulfilled ... satisfied.
Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love
And his wonderful deeds for mankind,
For he satisfies the thirsty
And fills the hungry with good things.
Psalm 107:8-9
Much like this bamboo, I'm in a time of seeing variations of myself ... some yellow, fresh green, dried up and peel-able... Parts of me that I have brushed to the side, as I've faced "other, pressing" issues in my life until now, are now being exposed, revealed, even to me. Through this, I am learning, developing, and gaining sweet perspective of my Creator as He continues to provide, nourish, and reach me however I may be.
I flip my attitude and say, because of that, I can know satisfaction and be inspired today ... lucky me, and lucky for you too, as He promises to the same for you!
pic pix: bamboo shafts spotted on our honeymoon, Manzanillo, Mexico, Feb.2011